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if statement works incorrectly - disassembling explains nothing for me

c# disassembly

What can be the cause of "jal" to the middle of another function in MIPS

objc_msgsend in iPhone disassembly

how rsp is decremented in prologue on a X86-64 architecture

MOVAPS accesses unaligned address

What is the purpose of the 40h REX opcode in ASM x64?

Disassemble Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 compiler output

Methods to nail down 16 bit CRC/Checksum algorithm used by Windows CE executable?

How do I view the disassembly of a delegate created by compiling an expression tree?

How to make Eclipse disassemble the code in Intel syntax

Decompiling EXE to ASM

Is it possible in IDA Pro to make a struct field offset to vtable which is defined in .data segment?

printing Java hotspot JIT assembly code

Disassembly of sections in a c program [closed]

c objdump disassembly

Objective C decompiler

Annotated disassembly of executable

Analyzing binary taken from memory dump in IDA Pro

Why is 0 moved to stack when using return value?

Disassembling an old .COM file. Stuck within 48 bytes. Endian problem?

Can I debug an Exe

c# .net debugging disassembly