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Chrome Dev tools device with keyboard is not showing

Using install.packages with custom temp dir

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Fail to build package when trying to install vignettes with install_github [R]

r devtools

testthat failure using check()

Data not found in documentation with roxygen2

Build .md vignette using devtools

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R using s3 and s4 methods of simulate in the same package

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Error while using install_github | devtools | timeout issue

base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv") ERROR when using devtools::check

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Installing ggbiplot from github

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R: How to lazyload variables from inst/extdata in R package

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Developing R package when functions are written in S4 and using roxygen2

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Install R package from Atlassian Stash

How can I automatically add/update Depends/Imports/Suggests versions in DESCRIPTION?

How do i keep source files when using R's devtools library function 'install'

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Can't install devtools in RStudio -- Dependencies not found (xml2/rversions)

How to use @inheritParams on single parameters when multiple parameters match?

r devtools roxygen2

R data.table breaks in exported functions

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Installing an R package from local unzipped folder

R: checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... NOTE Found the following files/directories

r devtools