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Install R package from Atlassian Stash

I made an R package which is hosted on my employer's instance of Atlassian Stash. I have been telling other users to clone the repo and then use devtools::install("<path-to-repo>") to install the package.

How can I have users install the package without cloning the repository? Can I do this without hosting the code somewhere more accessible?

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ClaytonJY Avatar asked Jul 07 '15 23:07


1 Answers

Using this solution as a starting point, I discovered that you can use devtools with a Stash ssh url:

devtools::install_git("ssh://[email protected]:1234/project/repo.git")

That will install from the latest commit on the master branch. You can also install a specific branch:

devtools::install_git("ssh://[email protected]:1234/project/repo.git", branch="develop")

or tag:

devtools::install_git("ssh://[email protected]:1234/project/repo.git", branch="v1.0")

(note you don't need the tags/ prefix when using a tag)

This will only work if you have SSH keys for your machine on your Stash account. Using the http clone url will not work, because you can't authenticate properly.

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ClaytonJY Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11
