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New posts in device-orientation

keyboard size given by NSNotificationCenter

iPad device orientation always wrong when flat

How do I create a reliable compass for iOS and Android in Javascript?

Testing hardware support in Javascript for device orientation events of the iPhone 3GS

DeviceOrientationEvent: how to deal with crazy gamma when beta approaches/hits 90deg?

Mobile orientation change not applying CSS

Android: Get current device orientation [duplicate]

Google Play Game Services Multi-Player Device Orientation change kicks user out of room

Detecting Handedness from Device Use

Hiding title bar / notification bar when device is oriented to landscape

How to get the iPhone view's current orientation or the device's last orientation?

iphone device-orientation

How to present a view controller in portrait or landscape, in application that is portrait-only

How do I get DeviceOrientationEvent and DeviceMotionEvent to work on Safari?

Incorrect results arrow (angle) to geolocation

iOS app starts in landscape mode

iOS 6 - How to run custom code when orientation changes

Storyboards orientation support for xCode 4.2?


Lock device orientation - React Native (Android)