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New posts in development-environment

Can you run a local copy of AWS DynamoDB somehow?

VS 2010 very slow

Cygwin vs Linux Virtual Machine for Development?

.htaccess between developemt, staging, and production

What is the best IDE setup for web development? [closed]

How can we check if we are running the PHP script on localhost?

Using Nuget in development environment - best practices / how to

Thin vs. unicorn for development mode on Mac?

Optimal workflow for Local / Staging / Production server stack + Git

Magento & Subversion (SVN) - Getting a Development Environment Started?

Setting up a large software system in Delphi

local development of microservices, methods and tools to work efficiently

How to check in development or production in ERB file in Rails?

flask production and development mode

What is the most minimal ASP.NET MVC 4 installation?

Is there any way to export time graphs from Chrome developer tool?

Automatically tracking development time [closed]

What user account would you recommend running the SQL Server Express 2008 services in a development environment?

PC equivalent of Coda? [closed]

Running as a host user within a Docker container