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What is the best IDE setup for web development? [closed]

I am starting a little side project which consists of building a small-medium sized, django-based, website.

However, last time I was actually in the business of websites, was a few good years ago. So while still technologically capable, I'm still rusted on the tools/IDE part of websites.

I am looking for an IDE which can support the following:

  • Basic HTML editing with syntax completion, highlighting, etc...
  • Basic CSS editing with syntax completion, highlighting, etc...
  • Python support for Django
  • Support for the entire develop-debug-FTP upload cycle

If all of this could happen inside my existing eclipse installation, it would be nothing short of perfection.

So what's your recommendation on web development IDEs?

EDIT: forgot to add that I'm running Win XP on my dev machine.

EDIT after answers: thanks all you guys for the helpful advice. I think I'm going to go with Aptana as it fits in to eclipse which I already use. Also I will look into version control instead of simple FTP upload. Apparently I didn't know how much it is used even in web projects.

like image 505
Yuval Adam Avatar asked Dec 20 '08 10:12

Yuval Adam

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1 Answers

You can use Aptana Studio with the Eclipse PyDev plugin to do all that (and a lot more). The best thing is that it's cross-platform, so you can install it on any computer you do development work on, and not have to learn multiple IDEs.

like image 112
Bill the Lizard Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Bill the Lizard