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New posts in design-patterns

Singleton with static inner class and double-checked locking

ComperatorFactory using static methods or each in its own class?

How to implement nested fluent interface?

c++ oop design-patterns

DI and repository pattern

How would inheritance be used in MySQL?

What pattern to use in this case (interface implementation)

c# design-patterns

Calling a child object in a parent function

php oop design-patterns

What is the idiomatic way to use props in component composing in reactjs

Difference between the design pattern and anti-pattern

Is GraphQL having a single endpoint a bottleneck?

Design pattern: Factory that creates one object

java design-patterns

Decorator pattern implementations - extends vs implements

Visitor pattern apply on shared_ptr or raw pointer?

c++ design-patterns

Factory pattern: Restrict object construction to factory

c# .net design-patterns

Why prefer implicit val over implicit object

Refactoring from ActiveRecord to DataMapper

Should a user interface be implemented using the Singleton design pattern?

design-patterns oop

How should an object using the state pattern be transitioned to the next state?

Does the Strategy Pattern violate the Single Responsibility Principle?

Fear of using a Dependency Injection framework