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New posts in deserialization

Binary stream '0' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader error on deserialization

Json.Net cannot deserialize DateTime.MinValue

Polymorphism WCF deserialization doesn't work

How to read and write an object to a text file in java?

How to detect duplicate keys in Web Api Post request Json

Unity Serialized Dictionary `Index Out Of Range` after 12 items

Additional information: Error converting value [string] to type [enum]

Deserialize two slightly different JSON strings (same structure, different names) to the same class

c# json.net deserialization

Exception when deserializing json

JSON to C# -- list fields without sub-field names in json?

Jackson Mapper - how to fail on null or empty values

Enable Jackson Deserialization of Empty Objects to Null

How to deserialize JSON with dynamic and static key names in C#

How to deserialize string to JObject without scientific notation in C#

c# json.net deserialization

Creating a nested JSON request with Python

Serialize/deserialize via super class

How avoid exception deserializing an invalid enum item?

Is there a way to read C# serialized objects into Python?

c# python deserialization

Deserialize object based on value type in property

Force GSON to use specific constructor