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New posts in deserialization

How to map Json to Java classes when some variable names begin with a number?

java json deserialization

Pass list of known types to object with its own XmlSerializer in (de-)serialization tree

Will I be able to successfully deserialize a previous version of my class?

Why does deserializing my packages.config in c# return null values?

c# xml deserialization

Serialize/Deserialize custom Map<Key, Object> in Jackson

How to deserialize a dictionary using DataContractJsonSerializer?

c# .net json deserialization

how to create a custom JsonDeserializer in Java?

deserialize function ( byte array to uint32 )

c bytearray deserialization

How to de-serialize XML with many child nodes

fastJson Deserialize Unhandled Exception

Deserialize JSON that might be an integer or a list of strings in C#

Same Serial version id for all the classes?

Jackson, custom deserialization for specific field names

Deserializing json array using gson?

Hashmap slower after deserialization - Why?

Does SpringFramework use InvokerTransformer from commons.collections?

How can I disable the "unused attribute" warning when using Serde library?

Avoid deserializing a JSON string token to a numeric property

Gson - deserialization to specific object type based on field value

java json deserialization gson

Jackson deserialization error handling