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npm requires a peer of

npm vuejs2 dependencies

what is the proper way to publish a React component module in NPM without external dependencies inside?

buildt.sbt: exclude dependencies from dependsOn submodule

scala build dependencies sbt

How to get Visual Studios build system to understand unmanaged dependencies of managed dlls?

Make / gcc cryptic error 2: how to have more information?

c++ gcc dependencies makefile

Can't import module from dependent project in PyDev

Visual Studio: how to handle project dependencies right?

Real targets with PHONY dependencies

makefile dependencies

Jar Dependencies in GitHub

java git github jar dependencies

Exclude base library inclusions from Doxygen dependency graph?

What is the syntax for a gradle subproject task depending on a parent project's task?

gradle build dependencies

Implicitly including optional dependencies in Maven

Gradle equivalent to maven systemPath

maven gradle dependencies

Rails / Error Bundler::HTTPError during request to dependency API

Pipfile Hash Creation

How to exclude a dependency for a specific scope only?

maven dependencies

cmake obtain source list

c++ dependencies cmake

Android Library project com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializer

Including Java library built with Gradle throws NoClassDefFoundError

How to add python dependencies to heroku node server?