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android gradle 4.0 compile dependency deprecated- how does new api configuration visibility work? [duplicate]

Static (iPhone) libraries, distribution, and dependencies

Can I nest subrepos in Mercurial?

Why do all of the leading open-source Java libraries have circular dependencies among their packages?

Avoiding extra ExternalProject downloads

ejb with client artifact - runtime dependency?

Android Studio does not resolve androidTestImplementation dependencies in custom project layout

Finding PHP dependencies

php dependencies

Building dependency trees

c++ dependencies

Alternative dependencies in a Homebrew formula (e.g. for use with gcc)

gcc dependencies homebrew

Which effects does the Dependency Inversion Principle have to a project structure?

Gradle: exclude a dependency's package

android gradle dependencies

How to create an Ivy dependency for local jars inside your project/lib?

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Speeding Up Grails Dependency Resolution

grails dependencies

Unable to add jar file to .ivy cache manually

dependencies ivy