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New posts in dependencies

Best practice: Versioning and releases in multiprojects

Solving java classpath hell in legacy junit test suite

JSON: Is there an equivalent of Schematron for JSON and JSON Schema? (That is, a JSON technology to express co-constraints)

Inject Service Reference into .NET with AppSettings.json and Startup.cs

How to do Makefile dependencies for python code

Best Practices for Source Control Dependencies

.Net Inheritance - Automatic dependency referencing behavior issue

Dependency check

Abstracting the DateTime.Current dependency

ClassNotFoundException when "implementation" is used for library dependency of a library

Gradle: using resources in a dependency jar as a sourceset

Installing r-base; Depenency: r-recommended missing?

r dependencies ubuntu-16.04

pub get failed: Because flutter_app depends on firebase_firestore ^0.12.7+1 which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed

Best practice for bundling third party libraries for distribution in Python 3

How to manage version dependencies in a C#/.NET Project?

.net dependencies reference

Are there any reasons to keep explicit dependency declaration for my own transitive dependencies in Maven?

java maven dependencies

Can the -ObjC flag be applied selectively to static libraries?

Referencing an android library from a java module

android gradle dependencies

Gradle cannot find module's output jar when executing custom task

How to share tasks between vscode workspace folders?