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New posts in delphi

Delphi 10 Seattle IDE issue: no hint after ( on a function/proc


Is the order of cipher names in TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.SSLOptions.CipherList important?

delphi ssl openssl indy

Inno Setup ComponentsList OnClick event

How can I create an event handler for a non published but public event in delphi?

Can result of BobJenkinsHash function be negative?

string delphi hash

Delphi record helper for double


How to obtain RTTI from an interface reference in Delphi?

delphi interface

EInsufficientRTTI exception with message 'Insufficient RTTi available to support this operation'

How to deal with COM (un)initialization from a library perspective?

delphi com

How can I get two programs to have the same sequence of random numbers?

delphi random numbers

Why can I divide Single by Variant in Delphi, and what is it for?

Delphi subclass constructor override


How do I get rid of "W1047 Unsafe code '@ operator'" in this RaiseExeption call

delphi delphi-2007

How to change color of a cell in a Delphi TGrid Firemonkey component?


Delphi tstream: strange behaviour on create

Has function initialization code changed from Seattle to Tokyo?

Identify Component under mouse cursor does not work with TImage Control

delphi vcl delphi-xe3

sslv3 alert handshake failure Delphi Indy

delphi ssl indy

How to save/load to/from file in virtualtree component using Delphi?


Delphi: Using TextHint in a multiline text component such as TMemo or TRichEdit
