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New posts in delphi-7

Delphi How to get cursor position on a control?

How can I delay file deletion until next reboot from my program?

delphi delphi-7

Nothing but "packed" records -- should I fix it?

delphi delphi-7 record packed

Prevent methods with empty bodies from deletion on save

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Unexpected behaviour of Application.OnActivate in Delphi 7

delphi delphi-7

How to resume/retry a broken TADOConnection across the application?

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How to find out which DB-Aware controls are linked to a TDataSource?

delphi delphi-7

My Application's Auto-update utility is triggering Anti-Virus

Can Threads Share the same Client Socket?

Delphi unicode porting : Incompatible types: 'Char' and 'AnsiChar' error with Win32 functions like CharToOEM?

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How to export Image list of 32bit icons into single 32bit bitmap file?

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How to get folder path from Known folder GUID in Delphi

TComboBox.AutoCloseUp Property: What does it do?

delphi delphi-7

Adding a .res file to project replaces the default icon.How to prevent it?

delphi delphi-7

What is the difference between the VarIsEmpty and VarIsEmptyParam functions

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How to Schedule a task programmatically

Delphi Path Variables

delphi path delphi-7

Delphi 7 turn on auto complete

delphi delphi-7

THotKey does not work anymore under Delphi XE

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