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How can I delay file deletion until next reboot from my program?

My application needs to delete some files, but this should happen until next windows startup.

What I'm doing now is to write this string value in RunOnce registry key:

Command.com /c del c:\some file.ext

but I observe a problem with paths with embedded spaces. I have to say I tried this one too:

Command.com /c del "c:\some file.ext"

But this does not resolve the problem, but make it worst: not deletion of any file, regardless of embedded spaces!

What is the correct way to delete files from my program delayed to the next reboot?


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Armin Taghavizad Avatar asked Mar 30 '11 18:03

Armin Taghavizad

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3 Answers

Don't use RunOnce, and don't use Command.com. If you insist on using something, use %COMSPEC% /c instead. You have a better option, though.

Use MoveFileEx with the MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT flag instead:

if not MoveFileEx(PChar(YourFileToDelete), nil, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT) then
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Ken White Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

Ken White

Use cmd.exe instead. That's the "new" command prompt since Windows NT.

cmd.exe /c del "c:\some file.ext"
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R. Martinho Fernandes Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

R. Martinho Fernandes

Just a guess: Looks like you are running "DOS" command.com that works with short file names only. If you are on Win2K and later, use cmd.exe instead of command.com and yes, use double-quotes.

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Eugene Mayevski 'Callback Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

Eugene Mayevski 'Callback