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Can I use string "IsEmpty" methods in Delphi




Embaracdero documents "IsEmpty" methods for string types, which I've used successfully with C++ Builder code.

WideString s;

if (s.IsEmpty())

I tried the same from Delphi, and couldn't get it to compile:

var s: WideString;
  if s.IsEmpty then

I know you can compare with an empty string, or call the Length function, but is it possible to call this IsEmpty method from Delphi?

EDIT: Just to clarify, this wasn't meant as a String vs Widestring issue.

Basically, the docs I link to above describe a Pascal syntax, as well as a C++ one, yet this doesn't seem to work. I assume this is just a flaw in the documentation.

Returns true if the System::WideString::WideString is empty.

Pascal: function IsEmpty: bool;

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Roddy Avatar asked Jun 19 '09 12:06


2 Answers

String is not a class in Delphi therefore it has no methods, you have to use functions for string manipulations like Length, Copy, etc... String is a class in C++ so maybe you are confused by that.

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idursun Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10


Delphi is an hybrid language. It contains basic types and classes. Only classes (and records and objects) can contain methods.

String is a basic type, although a special one. It's the only type that has a reserved word. That's why its often written with a lowercase (string) unlike other types which have a starting captial (Integer).

You can if you like:

  TString = class
    FString: string;
    constructor Create(const AValue: string);

    property &String: string read FString write FString;
    property IsEmpty: Boolean read GetIsEmpty;
    // ...
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Toon Krijthe Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10

Toon Krijthe