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New posts in delayed-job

Heroku delayed_job workers killed during deployment

heroku delayed-job worker

Job queue alternatives to workling for use with rails 3?

What available message solutions are there for inter-process communication in ruby?

Running delayed_job as a windows service

Multi-threading ruby workers on heroku

Why won't delayed job process enqueued job?

NotImplementedError (Use a queueing backend...) using delayed_job

Is it possible to terminate an already running delayed job using Ruby Threading?

Delayed_job: Undefined method error on any call

Delayed Job with i18n on rails 3

Weird exception with delayed_job

ruby-on-rails delayed-job

Delayed_job locking but not processing

ruby-on-rails delayed-job

does Delayed_job daemon not run in development?

Paperclip, Delayed Job, S3, Heroku - design for delayed processing of sensitive uploaded files: db or s3?

YAML - TypeError: can't dump anonymous module

delayed_job not picking up the rails environment

How to run Sinatra job in background?

PaperTrail: info_for_paper_trail outside the context of a controller

Active Job - How to cancel a scheduled Action Mailer job?

How can I debug code running in a delayed_job task in the IRB console?