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New posts in deep-learning

Is it possible to get the objective function value during each training step?

Deep Learning an Imbalanced data set

Understanding Keras weight matrix of each layers

How to add a regression head after the fully connected layer in convolutional network using Tensorflow?

h2o package: total cluster memory zero

Keras log_loss error is same

How to use TensorFlow Dataset API in combination with dense layers

How to use InceptionV3 bottlenecks as input in Keras 2.0

NLP - Embeddings selection of `start` and `end` of sentence tokens

Image sequence prediction with keras

Why does this neural network learn nothing?

Why does tf.matmul(a,b, transpose_b=True) work, but not tf.matmul(a, tf.transpose(b))?

Training GAN on small dataset of images

Concatening an attention layer with decoder input seq2seq model on Keras

Geting ERROR: Config value cuda is not defined in any .rc file when trying to train mobilenet in tensorflow

ReduceLROnPlateau gives error with ADAM optimizer

Tensorflow adam optimizer in Keras

Using keras tokenizer for new words not in training set

How to use K.get_session in Tensorflow 2.0 or how to migrate it?

Difference between tf.clip_by_value and tf.clip_by_global_norm for RNN's and how to decide max value to clip on?