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New posts in datetime

Best method to input and validate custom datetime in PHP form

php datetime sqlite

Excel function to determine the last Friday in a month

excel datetime

Comparing if two Date instances refer to the same day

java datetime

PHP function to get the date format?

php sql datetime datepicker

Reset value of WPF Toolkit datepicker to 'default' value

Parsing a strangely formatted DateTime. Anyone fancy stepping up?

c# .net parsing datetime

Nullable Types as Property

c# datetime nullable

How to convert string to local Date Time?

c# .net parsing datetime

String to datetime

python datetime date-format

A very simple java code (to get date of a week day), but Very Strange result I get, WHY?

java datetime

How do I calulate week of year in Oracle using a non-standard first day of the week?

oracle datetime

Storing joda-time datetime in database

java datetime jpa jodatime

Strange Python datetime import problem

python datetime import

Loop week based on culture info

Get the days in a Week in Javascript, Week starts on Sunday

Python, date validation

python datetime

Microsoft Hex dates

Inserting current date to MySql using Zend Date

How to convert date and time in SQL Server

Ruby date math: Why off by a day

ruby-on-rails ruby datetime