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Comparing if two Date instances refer to the same day




I have two Java instances of java.util.Date and I have to find out if they refer to the same day.

I can do this the hard way, taking the dates apart and compare the days, making sure the years match too.

Since this is such a common problem, I expect there to be an easier solution to this problem.


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raoulsson Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 07:02


2 Answers

Instances of java.util.Date refer to instants in time. Which day they fall on depends on which time zone you're using. You could use a java.util.Calendar to represent an instant in a particular time zone...

... or you could use Joda Time instead, which is a much, much better API. Either way, you'll have to know what time zone you're interested in.

In Joda Time, once you've got a relevant time zone, you can convert both instants to LocalDate objects and compare those. (That also means you can compare whether instant X in time zone A is on the same day as instant Y in time zone B, should you wish to...)

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 00:03

Jon Skeet

I use the DateUtils class by Apache Commons Lang 2, it provides the isSameDay(Date,Date) method.


Here the link to Apache Commons Lang 3.

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jnt30 Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 23:03
