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New posts in zend-db

Using case/when/then in SQL queries of Zend Framework 2

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Insert into .. select from .. using zend db

php zend-db

Inserting current date to MySql using Zend Date

Zend DB select only 1 table with multiple joins

use zend db with whare and orwhere when orwhere are in ()

zend-framework zend-db

joinLeft Zend Framework, the same field names in different tables

How to find all dates between two dates in Zend Framework Query

how to return an array of objects in zend framework 2?

PHP implode array to generate mysql IN criteria

'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] zend framework

update query in Zend Framework

Constraint violation / Duplicate key when reindexing Magento

Zend Framework: How to find a table row by the value of a specified column?

Zend db adapter mysqli or PDO_MYSQL

How to set default port on MySQL for Mac

MySQL remove space before order by clause

Zend DB and encoding

How to get more info on this PDO MySql error with Zend

php mysql zend-db

Doctrine 2 and Zend 1.11 convert-mapping error..

How to use distinct in Zend Framework 2?