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New posts in data-structures

Comparing overlapping ranges

Data structure supporting Add and Partial-Sum

Type signatures for a mutable Haskell Heap

Choosing data strucutures to sort TOP 10 items out of zillion items based on users rating

Online Sorting Algorithm for fixed size array/list

Java: what is the overhead of using ConcurrentSkipList* when no concurrency is needed?

Writing STL like iterator

Which list implementation is optimal for removing and inserting from the front and back?

What kind of Ruby data structure is this?

ruby data-structures

How to update a range in segment tree while maintaining max and min?

Suggest a suitable algorithm for merging two arrays containing class objects (without duplication)

Prove traversing a k-ary tree twice yields the diameter

Binary Tree Height Function

Find all intervals containing a given number

algorithm data-structures

Maximum and minimum depth of quicksort

Why tail-recursion is a bad use of recursion?

HashMap should be unsorted but still sorts according to key

Efficiently searching a doubly-linked list for a value with a pointer constraint?

Recommended json data structure to store chat log in a text file

Typedef to put units of measurement in C

c data-structures typedef