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Comparing overlapping ranges

I'm going to ask this question using Scala syntax, even though the question is really language independent.

Suppose I have two lists

val groundtruth:List[Range]
val testresult:List[Range]

And I want to find all of the elements of testresult that overlap some element in groundtruth.

I can do this as follows:

def overlaps(x:Range,y:Range) = (x contains y.start) || (y contains x.start)
val result = testresult.filter{ tr => groundtruth.exists{gt => overlaps(gt,tr)}}

But this takes O(testresult.size * groundtruth.size) time to run.

Is there a faster algorithm for computing this result, or a data structure that can make the exists test more efficient?

P.S. The algorithm should work on groundtruth and testresult generated with an expression like the following. In other words, there are no guarantees about the relationships between the ranges within a list, the Ranges have an average size of 100 or larger.

(1 to 1000).map{x =>
   val midPt = r.nextInt(100000);
   ((midPt - r.nextInt(100)) to (midPt + r.nextInt(100)));
like image 713
Ken Bloom Avatar asked Jan 21 '23 00:01

Ken Bloom

1 Answers

Try an interval tree. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein discuss these in (IIRC) chapter 14.

Alternatively, if your lists of intervals are both sorted and the intervals within a list are non-overlapping, then the following algorithm solves your problem in linear time and in a single pass over both lists:

(define interval cons)
(define lower car)
(define upper cdr)

(define (overlap a b)
  (cond ((or (null? a) (null? b)) '())
        ((< (upper a) (lower b))
         (overlap (cdr a) b))
        ((> (lower a) (upper b))
         (overlap a (cdr b)))
        (#t  ;; (car a) and (car b) overlap
             ;; EDIT: there's a bug in the following part.
             ;; The code shouldn't skip over both cars at once,
             ;; since they may also overlap with further intervals.
             ;; However, I'm too tired to fix this now.
         (cons (interval (max (lower a) (lower b))
                         (min (upper a) (upper b)))
               (overlap a b)))))

(I hope you can read Scheme :)

like image 139
Fred Foo Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 13:01

Fred Foo