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New posts in data-annotations

What is imageData in JSON file which comes from labelme tool?


ASP.NET MVC: Adding custom ErrorMessage that incorporates DisplayName to custom ValidationAttribute

DataAnnotations or Application Validation block

How to retrieve GroupName data annotation from ModelMetadata

Custom Error Message not appear Data Annotation

c# data-annotations

DataAnnotations MaxLength and StringLength for string[] or List<string>?

c# data-annotations

Entity Framework Code First Foreign Key issue

Mapping composite foreign key to composite primary key where the foreign key is also a primary key

Data annotations on WCF service contracts

wcf data-annotations

Why is DataAnnotations <Display(Name:="My Name")> ignored when using a DataGrid with AutoGenerateColumns="True"

Hide a Column Using Data Annotations in WPF

wpf data-annotations

Custom RegularExpressionAttribute missing data-val-regex-pattern for client-side validation

ASP.NET MVC Core date only format is not working using DataAnnotation

How can I create a generic UniqueValidationAttribute in C# and DataAnnotation?

loosing dataAnottation when upload model from database

DataAnotation to validate a model, how do I validate it so that the date is not in the future?

Entity Framework Core, DELETE CASCADE, and [Required]

ASP.net MVC Data Annotations DateTime Default Value

How are you meant to use Prompt, Description, Ordering when applying data-annotations in ASP.NET MVC 3

System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations MaxLength not showing