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New posts in data-annotations

difference between: [ScaffoldColumn (false)] and [Display (AutoGenerateField = false)]

Error message for Index data annotation in EF

Different model requirements for POST and PUT

changing viewmodel's MetadataType attribute at runtime

Localizing MVC3 Validation Messages

how do i apply Validation Attributes to WPF

MVC 4 Custom data annotation manual jquery validation call

What is the RequiresValidationContext property of ValidationAttribute class for?

Is there a way use one data annotation/attribute with multiple properties?

Data Annotations - using an attribute extension and storing regular expressions in a resource file

Validation with custom Data Annotations in conflict with localization change

Create Foreign Key using Data Annotations

what are the differences between [DataType(DataType.EmailAddress)] & [EmailAddress]

ASP.NET MVC Data Annotation Tooltip

EF4 code-first vs model-first with regards to model validation

Is it possible to provide a runtime value to StringLength validator in MVC 3?

MVC3 Validation with ComponentModel.DataAnnotations for UK date format (also using jquery ui datepicker)

StringLengthAttribute and Localized text

c# .net data-annotations

How to call ValidationAttributes manually? (DataAnnotations and ModelState)

Is there a way through data annotations to verify that one date property is greater than or equal to another date property?