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New posts in cultureinfo

Parsing a DateTime containing milliseconds fails for certain cultures. Why?

c# : In a dotnet class is there a property that states if the "Current" culture is actual the default culture?

How to use Windows' Customized Region and Language settings in WPF

Currency Library [closed]

c# asp.net-mvc cultureinfo

IValueConverter get wrong culture in Windows Phone 7

C# and Current Local time for different countries

c# date datetime cultureinfo

How to convert boolean to localized string

ASP.NET Globalization: Culture="auto" page directive with neutral culture crash?

Get Preferred Culture Info / Language - C#, ASP.NET

c# localization cultureinfo

Parsing three-letter language names as culture info

Currency format string in asp.net

How to set Silverlight CurrentUICulture/CurrentCulture correctly?

Why does TryParseExact require CultureInfo if I specify the exact structure?

Can you get culture info string in javascript just like in .NET? [duplicate]

How to specify XAML value (e.g. converter parameter) culture

c# wpf xaml cultureinfo

Country name to ISO 3166-2 code

Why is CurrentCulture a property of Thread?

Default number format for ToString

Why does ReSharper warn at Char.ToString() when not specifying CultureInfo explicitly?

c# resharper cultureinfo

Double.TryParse thousand separator returns unexpected result

c# .net cultureinfo