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New posts in cultureinfo

Missing Countries & locations from CultureInfo when trying to

can I get the text direction from the culture code?

Setting CultureInfo on wcf service calls?

.net wcf cultureinfo

Execute task with the CurrentCulture set to the Task creator CurrentCulture

How to create .NET CultureInfo with Dateformat ISO 8601?

CultureInfo issue with Modelbinding double in asp.net-mvc(2)

Threading, CultureInfo .net , TPL, PLINQ

How to derive custom culture from .NET CultureInfo class?

asp.net Get all Resources from .resx Without Specifying Culture (ResourceManager.GetResourceSet )

How can I (an American) test whether my ASP.NET/SQL Server app is handling decimals correctly for Germany

MVC3 correct way to change culture for every request

asp.net-mvc-3 cultureinfo

Convert number into culture specific

Find out the Date time format of string date in c#

.net Culture specific 12/24 hour formatting

c# wpf datetime cultureinfo

CultureInfo and ISO 639-3

c# .net cultureinfo iso culture

Create custom culture without registering it

Change the current culture of the entire windows forms application .NET Compact Edition

Greek characters string to lower case

DateTime get the letters representing day, month, year from the currentculture

Number with decimal separator incorrectly cast to Double

c# cultureinfo