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New posts in cultureinfo

How neutral culture is mapped to a specific culture in CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture method?

Can i create a new CultureInfo from a two-character language code?

c# cultureinfo

What is difference between MonthGenitiveNames and MonthNames? Why there is blank as month?

c# asp.net .net cultureinfo

How to get date only if time is 00:00:00 from DateTime c#

c# date datetime cultureinfo

How to get DayNames from language only in .NET

c# cultureinfo regioninfo

How to make DateTime independent from the current culture?

c# datetime cultureinfo

Formatting numbers in different cultures

c# .net cultureinfo

c# : Get country name from country code

c# cultureinfo

When is it appropriate to use the Invariant Culture?

.net cultureinfo

Where can we see the whole list of named language values?

Currency Symbol for various languages in .net

What's the best practice when dealing with a culture's limited range of supported DateTime values?

case insenstive string replace that correctly works with ligatures like "ß" <=> "ss"

DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthDayPattern Has Changed in Windows Server 2012 - How Can I set it back?

c# .net cultureinfo

Async call to the WCF service doesn't preserve CurrentCulture

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture not working in a thread inside a threadpool

Thai year 2558 to 2015

Globally overrride MonthNames for all instances of a specific culture

.net asp.net cultureinfo

How can I parse an Arabic Umm Al-Qura date string into a .NET DateTime object?

How to safely get localized string in Web Api Controllers?

c# localization cultureinfo