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New posts in cultureinfo

How to use CultureInfo to format deprecated currencies?

c# format currency cultureinfo

Force .NET to write native persian numerics instead of US format

Compare a Cultures region without creating a RegionInfo from LCID

c# cultureinfo

In .NET, how do I get the order of YYYY, MM and DD for a given culture

.net date cultureinfo

Globally set String.Compare/ CompareInfo.Compare to Ordinal

c# string cultureinfo

Is there a way to "try parse" a string to System.Globalization.CultureInfo

c# cultureinfo

How to detect if CurrentCulture has been customised by the user?

When to pass Culture when comparing strings using Assert.AreEqual() in C#

c# unit-testing cultureinfo

AED (د.إ ) currency symbol usage issue. It moves to left

How to convert culture specific double using TypeConverter?

c# .net cultureinfo

Why comparing two equal persian word does not return 0?

Set culture for a WPF DateTimePicker validation

c# wpf xaml binding cultureinfo

String.Format in conjunction with CultureInfo C#

Why does Parallel.ForEach change the culture of its threads?

How to display dynamic culture formatted number in a WPF UserControl

c# wpf cultureinfo

C#, datetime formatting, mont name, cultureinfo

c# datetime cultureinfo

.NET CultureInfo for Cuba?

CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture is set correctly but get always en-US

how to remove the thousand separator using cultureinfo?

Converting string to decimal: how to handle the decimal separator in different cultures

c# decimal cultureinfo