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New posts in ctest

ctest does not find valgrind

c++ cmake valgrind ctest

CMake/CTest & gcovr: filename extensions?

cmake code-coverage gcov ctest

Running only changed or failed tests with CMake/CTest?

CMake - How to create executable, but not add to "all" target?

cmake target ctest

CTest add tests in subdirectories

cmake ctest

How to pass quoted parameters to add_test in cmake?

cmake googletest ctest

How to pass arguments to memcheck with ctest?

Running Tests in CLion using CMake's CTest

c++ cmake googletest clion ctest

CTest generate and submit gcov.tar to CDash after make <target>

CMake: how to add Boost.Test cases with relative directories?

c++ boost cmake boost-test ctest

Set BUILD_TESTING to OFF by default using CTest

cmake ctest

How to tell a test under cmake/ctest where to find its input data ... without changing hard-coded file names

cmake ctest

Hide automatically generated CTest targets

c++ cmake clion ctest

CTest --build-and-test with --test-command option

How to let CMake / CTest memcheck exit with status code 1 on failure?

c cmake valgrind ctest

Ctest/CDash workflow : deploying nightly builds


cmake ctest

How to rerun the failed tests with ctest?

unit-testing testing ctest

CMake verbose output from tests

cmake ctest

How to test using CMake that a C++ application has no memory errors?

c++ cmake ctest