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New posts in csproj

.NET Core - build project specifying ReferencePath

c# .net msbuild .net-core csproj

Why can't I use embedded resources (resx) when targeting .netstandard 1.3?

Missing "BuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies" building VSIX depending on new simplified csproj

Dependencies in Nuspec vs. csproj

.net-core nuget csproj nuspec

How do I get a diagram of the dependencies between my C# projects

Use appdata environment variable in csproj

c# .net csproj

Autogenerated IntermediateOutputPath in the .csproj file

Hide files in .csproj without excluding them from build

Putting files in "analyzer" dir in nupkg using new csproj format

WPF Clickonce publish with Microsoft.Net.Sdk

c# .net msbuild clickonce csproj

Include filename and line number in stacktrace from ASP.NET Core

Build .csproj with MSBuild without project reference

Changing csproj OutputType based on project configuration

DotNet Core .csproj code files as child items

c# msbuild .net-core csproj

Adding custom information to CSPROJ files

Visual Studio Code: "Program has more than one entry point defined"

PackageReference condition is ignored

Modify .csproj files programmatically

How to embed an XSLT file in a .NET project to be included in the output .exe?

c# project csproj

Why does Visual Studio leave an empty ItemGroup node in the project file?