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New posts in cross-platform

3D scene file format & viewer

Using Winelib to port a Windows-only GUI toolkit

Conversion between docx / doc / rtf and lightweight markup

How can I start a .NET application from Java on Linux, Mac and Windows?

java .net mono cross-platform

Does any language do Unicode and cross-platform properly and fully?

Which Java library to use for record a video from a connected camera?

cross-platform real time update for mobile phones

What is the effectiveness of using the compatibility feature for older operating systems in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8?

Detect if executable exists on system path with node

Ignite C++ and Cache Affinity

Maintaining and organizing purchases on multiple platforms

Are line breaks in raw strings platform-dependent?

Clickable HTML hyperlink within Label Xamarin.Forms

Poppler programming [closed]

How can I set up a git repository on windows, and then push to/pull from it on Mac OSX

git cross-platform ssh

Rename function vs undef : conflicts with Windows API

Getting System Idle Time with Qt

Which library for video and audio recording? [closed]

Python's setup.py: how to install different files for different platforms

What's the best cross platform approach (Windows/Mac) to deploy a simple service/daemon (with simple UI)