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PyPy cpyext: any documentation? how to use? PyThreadState_Get error?

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Python 3.5 vs. 3.6 what made "map" slower compared to comprehensions

create golang bindings for a python module

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Calling Python code from a C thread

Why do up and down arrow commands not work in the Python command line interpreter?

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Python string with space and without space at the end and immutability

CPython is bytecode interpreter?

Retrieving address of native base class with ctypes

How and when does Python determine the data type of a variable?

__str__ function of class ported from rust to python using pyo3 doesn't get used in print

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Why Do I have to worry about Thread Safety in CPython?

Possible to execute Python bytecode from a script?

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Does Slicing `a` (e.g. `a[1:] == a[:-1]`) create copies of the `a`?

Storing Python objects in a Python list vs. a fixed-length Numpy array

Using libspotify .dll/.lib files in MinGW32 compiling pySpotify

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Different behavior in python script and python idle?

How is the s=s+c string concat optimization decided?

Modify *existing* variable in `locals()` or `frame.f_locals`

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Regex replace is taking time for millions of documents, how to make it faster?

`object in list` behaves different from `object in dict`?