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How can you programmatically tell the CPython interpreter to enter interactive mode when done?

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Why is 'new_file += line + string' so much faster than 'new_file = new_file + line + string'? [duplicate]

Python C Module - Malloc fails in specific version of Python

How do I control the module/name of a cython cdef class?

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Correct setting of Python home and sys.prefix in an embedded environment

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Python: GIL context - switching

Compiling cpython code on Ubuntu 16.04

cpython ubuntu-16.04

Why does CPython have a "POP_BLOCK" opcode?

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Why is `len(l) != 0` faster than `bool(l)` in CPython?

Why does float.__repr__ return a different representation compared to the equivalent formatting option?

Is `0 is 0` always `True` in Python?

How is ternary operator implemented in Python

Python list.clear() time and space complexity?

CPython string addition optimisation failure case

Embedding multiple Python sub-interpreters into a C program

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Overriding the newline generation behaviour of Python's print statement

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CPython vs. Jython vs. IronPython for cross-platform GUI development [closed]

Python for loop performance in global space vs inside a function [duplicate]

What makes Python3's print function thread safe?