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New posts in cordova-3

Stop endless buffering of html5 video in cordova webview on Samsung devices

Cordova/PhoneGap Plugin Development Workflow for Android

Can Apache Cordova compile to legacy Windows desktop apps (non-metro)?

package android.support.v4.app does not exist (Android 17)

Import facebook SDK to cordova/phonegap project

Phonegap events online/offline not working

Keep callback context in PhoneGap plugin?

Cordova JavaScript Plugins

Cordova 3.3 - fileSystem.root.fullPath returns "/" instead of full path

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Cordova cannot add Android failed with exit code ENOENT

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Phonegap Error: "An error occurred while listing Android targets" while installing Phonegap on Ubuntu

Cordova is not recognized... immediately after installation

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Cordova 3.1.0: Plugin not found or is not a CDVPlugin

Appcache in Cordova app

How to add native custom views to HTML pages in PhoneGap/Cordova?

Add Parameters to Cordova-CLI Hook Scripts?

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Netbeans create/import cordova project from existing source

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