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Proving if then else in Coq


Coq: Boolean Comparison of Integers


Defining constants using existence proofs in Coq


Is equality decidable on any coinductive type?

coq decidable coinduction

coq: A left-recursive notation must have an explicit level

coq notation

Different induction principles for Prop and Type


Use results proven in a library (Coq)


OCaml and preprocessor have incompatible versions error when installing tcoq

ocaml coq camlp4 coq-plugin

Representing Higher-Order Functors as Containers in Coq

containers coq functor

Using forall within recursive Function definition

Using eexists to construct record terms in Coq


Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil

coq dependent-type

Minimum in non-empty, finite set

coq minimum

Understanding COQ proof on Show Proof.

coq proof

Is it possible to force induction tactic to produce more equations?


How can I give an alias to a type in coq

alias typedef coq

Coq: apply transitivity with substitution

relation coq transitivity

Coq: unfolding class instances

typeclass coq

Generating Haskell code from COQ: Logical or arity value used

haskell coq coq-extraction

Differences between Coq and Agda

coq agda