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Using merlin in vim for coq plugin development in ocaml

vim ocaml coq ocamlfind merlin

Why 'intuition' works in the example of Coq?


Is there a way to automate a Coq proof with rewrite steps?

automation coq

how to prove Theorem 3.5.4 in 《Types and Programming Languages》using Coq?

coq proof

Recovering implicit information from existentials in Coq

coq real-number

Matching with Ltac on a call containing local variable

coq ltac

Difference between sumbool and intuitionnistic disjunction


Recursive use of typeclass methods in Coq

coq typeclass

Help with a Coq proof for SubSequences

coq proof-system

How to define Xor in Coq and prove its properties

xor coq

Conjunction vs. Implication in Coq


What are inductive predicates?

predicate coq induction

What does fun keyword do in Coq?

How to express subset relation in Coq?

coq set-theory

Cannot guess decreasing argument of fix for nested match in Coq

`decide equality` for Mutually Recursive Types in Coq?

Coq simpl / unfold only once. (Replace part of goal with the result of one iteration of a function.)

coq proof coq-tactic induction

How to automatically generate "good" names when decomposing existential hypothesis


Coq rewriting using lambda arguments

coq proof

How to prove the lemma "(P \/ Q) /\ ~P -> Q." in coq?
