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New posts in copy-constructor

Why is a copy constructor required here?

calling copy constructor in assignment operator

Constructor or Assignment Operator

Too many elements in struct initializer [duplicate]

in C++, How can I give a class copy constructor and assignment operator the same functionality without making duplicate code [duplicate]

visibility issue for copy constructor of base class

Is there any difference between C c; and C c = C();?

Delegating copy constructor and const data initialization

Templated delegating copy constructor in constant expressions

What is the raw_storage_iterator component uses/advantages in C++

Explicitly deleted move constructor

Ambiguous call of a copy constructor in C++ caused by multiple inheritance

c++ copy constructor - implicit copy for all but one field?

c++ copy-constructor

Copy elision and exceptions

C++11: Ambiguity between Converting Constructor and Conversion Function in Initialization of Pass-By-Value Parameter?

Why copy constructor is called instead of move constructor?

C++ creating a copy constructor for a class with a reference member variable

When is the compiler allowed to optimize out the copy-constructor [duplicate]

Template functions: default construction without copy-constructing in C++