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New posts in convention

Why many people use "-%>" instead of "%>" in Rails? [duplicate]

how lisp implemented in assembly language? [closed]

Where does the TODO convention come from?

Kotlin Data Class packaging [closed]

Where to 'locate' C# structs? / how to organize structs within a project

Java coding convention about static method

Is there a naming convention for @ComponentScan basePackageClasses? [closed]

What is better android.R or custom R?

GoLang conventions - create custom type from slice

go conventions convention

Python: one single module (file .py) for each class? [closed]

Should I use relative include paths for my project, or place the include-directory on the include path?

Jinja variables within the Flask url_for function [duplicate]

What are Best Practices for Maven Modules Naming?

maven-2 naming convention

Why does Objective-C use YES/NO macro convention instead of true/false?

What is the difference between [ ] and ( ) brackets in Racket (lisp programming language)?

Finding a list of all double-underscore variables?

python metadata convention

Always prefer set<T, less<>> to set<T> since C++14?

How to set Emacs tabs to spaces in every new file?

What does it mean when a variable equals a function? [duplicate]

rails boolean fields: `is_foo` or just `foo`? [duplicate]

ruby-on-rails convention