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New posts in component-scan

Add packages to component-scan

java spring component-scan

Adding configuration class to SpringBootTest breaks component scan

Spring custom @Enable annotation meta-annotated with @ComponentScan

Spring: Why is @PreDestroy not called at end of each test class?

SpringBootApplication exclude when ComponentScanning other @SpringBootApplications

Spring boot auto configuration with dependency and without @ComponentScan

How to get list of Interfaces from @ComponentScan packages

How does ComponentScan work?

Component Scan not scanning sub packages

Is there a naming convention for @ComponentScan basePackageClasses? [closed]

Spring boot component scan include a single class [duplicate]

Using @ComponentScan or <context:component-scan /> with only one class

Error Injecting FeignClient from another Project

Spring Boot: autowire beans from library project

getServletConfigClasses() vs getRootConfigClasses() when extending AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer

multiple packages in context:component-scan, spring config

java spring component-scan