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New posts in constructor-overloading

Constructor overloading in java

How to overload constructors in kotlin differs in lambda return type

case class overloading in Scala

Optional reference member - is it possible?

C++ class template constructor -- overload reference(U&) with array(U*) failed

Multiple Default Constructors

Overload "base" constructor or "this" constructor?

Python: Problem with overloaded constructors

C++11 constructor overload resolution and initialiser_lists: clang++ and g++ disagree

Why const char* implicitly converted to bool rather than std::string?

C++ call of overloaded constructor is ambiguous

Strange behavior of std::initializer_list of std::strings

Why is my overloaded C++ constructor not called?

class constructor precedence with a variadic template constructor for a value wrapper

Is there a convenience constructor in C++? [duplicate]

Why doesn't std::string have a constructor that directly takes std::string_view?

C++ how to generate all the permutations of function overloads?

How to overload constructors in JavaScript ECMA6? [duplicate]

Why is template constructor preferred to copy constructor?

What does "this()" method mean?