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New posts in connection-pooling

Auto-reconnect in postgres with tomcat pool and Spring

Cannot find oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory in Oracle ucp

connection to tdsool times out with tsql

FTPClient Pool - Java

Recurring apparent deadlocks with c3p0, Oracle and Hibernate

how to detect connection leak in jdbc using weblogic?

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. Enterprise Library

Fixing too many open files Exception(I am using try-catch-finally)

Connection Pooling in AWS Lambda with RDS?

Is there a standard mysql connection pooling library for C?

Auto reconnect to MySql after connection lost

Can I use Apache mod_proxy as a connection pool, under the Prefork MPM?

what's the best practice for pooling Hive JDBC connections

MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource or c3p0 like library?

Go: http.Server connection pool

What is the relationship between a SPID and a Connection in SQL server?

Using c3p0 connection Pooling in a tomcat Spring based App

How do I configure HikariCP and Dropwizard/Coda-Hale metrics in Spring Boot application

How do I create a MySQL connection pool while working with NodeJS and Express?

Spring app losing connection to MySql after 8 hours. How to properly configure?