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New posts in configuration-management

How can I make multiple replacements on the same file using one saltstack state?

What are common methods of sending initial configuration variables to an Ajax client on the page load?

Subversion - Is it possible to disable all commits and make the repository read only?

Android App White Labeling [closed]

Configuration Management - History in Code Comments

What's the best way to build variants of the same C/C++ application

Updating already-deployed SharePoint content types to handle additional item events

GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs and strong naming

Subversion management of project configuration files

How do you make a chef resource optional?

Using Matlab 32 and 64 bit on the same machine, how do you store settings in a different place?

How do detect that cloud-init completed initialization

What are source control and configuration management best practices?

Subversion: Write protection for tagged directories

receiving "error ASPPARSE: Could not load type ..." error with msbuild on MVC webapp

Running multiple commands in cmd via psexec

Migrate a Source Safe database to SubVersion with history

Git - remove and exclude configuration file