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New posts in change-management

What is the best way to handle change management? [closed]

What will you do with the no-longer-effective programmer?


How to move a Python script from one subpackage to another directory/package, maintaining backwards compatibility

What is change request management tool?

Configuration Management - History in Code Comments

Best .NET Solution for Frequently Changed Database [closed]

How do you manage customers with regards to changing requirements? [closed]

Are there any pitfalls / things you need to know when changing from MyISAM to InnoDB

Tracking changes in a SQL server 2005 database

SQL Server 2008 Auto Generate Change Scripts Legacy Problem

SVN/Tortoise - Label generation

svn change-management

How to work with liquibase, a concrete example

Mercurial cherry picking changes for commit

Add a new table column to specific ordinal position in Microsoft SQL Server