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New posts in configuration-files

bind multiple IP in mongoDb 4.x.x

What does 'yaml.parser.ParserError: expected '<document start>', but found '<block mapping start>'' mean?

Can Spring Parse and Inject Properties Files?

Is possible to split PHP configuration file php.ini?

Best Practice for storing settings for a .NET Windows Service: Service Property Settings, Serialization,

How to read values from multiple Configuration file in c# within a single project?

Adding a body to a HttpWebRequest that is being used with the azure service mgmt api

Why there's no configuration file at all for dependency injection with Google Guice?

Laravel config/app.php not updating

what would be a quick way to read a property file in python?

Edit configuration file through python

Azure configuration settings and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudConfigurationManager

Reading connection string from external config file

Updating AppSettings via ASP.NET MVC Controller

How do you handle command line options and config files?

Location to put user configuration files in windows

Symfony2 - Why use XML for settings/config?

Disable network manager for a particular interface

How to rename project in RubyMine

Play Model Objects from External API