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New posts in computational-geometry

Closest distance between two points(disjoint set)

k-way triangle set intersection and triangulation

Determining approximate overlaps of a given polyline with a set of existing polylines

Intersection of nD line with convex hull in Python

Path generation for non-intersecting disc movement on a plane

How do I iterate over faces in CGAL

Compute the area covered by cards randomly put on a table

Camera pose estimation (OpenCV PnP)

Testing whether a polygon is simple or complex

Intersection of N rectangles

Smallest enclosing circle, error in the code

Expand fill of convex polygon

How to create a polygon in JTS when we have list of coordinate?

Distance between two polylines

Is there a robust C++ implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann algorithm? [closed]

Given two (large) sets of points, how can I efficiently find pairs that are nearest to each other?

Marching Cube Ambiguities Versus Marching Tetrahedron

Efficient Line Smoothing and/or Simplification

Calculate bounding polygon of alpha shape from the Delaunay triangulation

Efficient way to find overlapping of N rectangles