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New posts in computational-geometry

Convex hull of 4 points

Calculate endpoint given distance, bearing, starting point

Find rectangles that contain point – Efficient Algorithm

Points, Lines, and Polygons on Spheres with C/C++ [closed]

Polygon inside polygon inside polygon

Boolean Operations on SVG paths [closed]

n-th order Bezier Curves?

Test point for its position relative to the convex hull in log(n)

Is there a geometry library for Java? (not JTS)

Is there some well-known algorithm which turns user's drawings into smoothed shapes?

Choosing subset of farthest points in given set of points

Implementation of Chazelle's triangulation algorithm

smallest enclosing cylinder

Wykobi - Error: Explicit instantiation shall not use ‘inline’ specifier [-fpermissive]

SVG / vector graphical objects boolean operations (union, intersection, subtraction)

Catmull-Rom interpolation on SVG Paths

How to check if a point (x,y) is inside a polygon in the Cartesian coordinate system? [duplicate]

How do you determine if you can draw a circle around a set of points, such that the points from the other set aren't inside it?

Algorithm for path simplification and smoothing of 2D trajectories

Creating regular Delaunay grid in with scipy