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Parse GeoJSON file with Java Topology Suite or GeoTools

java geotools jts

How can I convert a JTS-Geometry into an AWT-Shape?

java geometry awt shapes jts

Convert java.lang.String geometry to jts Geometry


JTS/Geotools Correct union/difference of multiple geometry

java geotools jts

NoSuchMethodException while calling GeometryJSON().read()

java geotools jts

Java way to quickly find if a point falls in a country (polygon) [closed]

java geometry geotools jts

Geotools: bounding box for a buffer in wgs84

java geospatial geotools jts

Find if a point is inside a polygon - JAVA jts / awt / geotools

java awt geotools jts

Point in Circle with JTS

java jts

JTS Geometry - Applying a buffer

geospatial jts

Geometry.getarea() and Polygon.getarea() what are the units?

java jts

Why is NoClassDefFoundError thrown with "run" but works fine with "dist"?

How to triangulate/tesselate some shape in Java?

Using JTS, how to find the nearest point on a polygon's boundary from an outside point?

topology jts

AttributeConverter being ignored for com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point

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Minimal Bounding Rectangle with JTS

java jts

Is there an envelope class in shapely?

python geometry geos jts shapely

PostGIS Geometry saving: "Invalid endian flag value encountered."

How to create a polygon in JTS when we have list of coordinate?

Geometry from vividsolutions JTS fails when creating JSON

java json rest jts