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New posts in shapely

Calculate all distances between two GeoDataFrame (of points) in GeoPandas

Optimal way of aggregating geographic points with Python/Shapely

python shapely

Removing duplicate geometries in Shapely

numpy meshgrid to Shapely polygons

python numpy shapely

OSError when trying to pip install shapely inside docker container

Shapely: Split LineString at arbitrary point along edge

python shapely geopandas

Count number of points in multipolygon shapefile using Python

ValueError: No Shapely geometry can be created from null value

python shapely

How to use geopanda or shapely to find nearest point in same geodataframe

python gis geopandas shapely

How to use Shapely for subtracting two polygons

Is it possible to correctly point to Python Shapely library's LIBGEOS_C in AWS Lambda environment?

shapely parallel_offset sometimes does not generate closed ring

Shapely unable to split line on point due to precision issues

python shapely

Creating an ASCII art world map

Geopandas set geometry: ValueError for MultiPolygon "equal len keys and value"

Adding a matplotlib colorbar from a PatchCollection

python matplotlib shapely

python, shapely: How to determine if two polygons cross each other, while allowing their edges to overlap

python shapely

How to plot a list of Shapely points

Shapely intersections vs shapely relationships - inexact?

python shapely geos

OSError geos_c could not be found when Installing Shapely [duplicate]