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Find closest line to each point on big dataset, possibly using shapely and rtree

python pandas gis shapely r-tree

How move a multipolygon with geopandas in python2

Cartopy: Drawing the coastlines with a country border removed

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How to extract interior polygon coordinates using Shapely?

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Install Shapely in Python 3

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Polygon perimeter

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Fast way to find the closest polygon to a point

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Shapely: Cut a piece from a linestring at two cutting points

Geodesic buffering in python

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Dissolve Overlapping Polygons (with GDAL/OGR) while keeping non-connected results distinct

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How to create polygons with arcs in shapely (or a better library)

python shapely

Issue installing shapely Python Package

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centos libgeos repository missing

How to get the endpoint of a LineString in Shapely

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Shapely Split LineStrings at Intersections with other LineStrings

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Shapely .contains() method but including boundaries?

python shapely

How to simplify boundary geometries in shapely

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Merging a list of Polygons to Multipolygons

python geospatial shapely

Add new points to existing Polygon in Shapely

python shapely